We are in the infancy stages of our mission. We would like to adopt the following programs with support of our donors and community leaders:
Guardian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Is designed to provide services for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Our goal is to provide resources, education and training along with collaborations and partnerships with other Humane Societies and veterinarian clinics to create more opportunities when preventing and dealing with issues involving animal cruelty.
The overall mission is to create and provide better opportunities when trying to rescue and re-home animals while furthering the goal of creating a loving and providing shelter program. Please take a look at our Collaboration Request located here.
- Our loving and providing shelter program can start when we provide more opportunities for solutions. Partnerships and collaborations can help us meet those needs and goals.
- With a loving and providing shelter program we can provide life-affirming means of responding to many types of animal entering a shelter and many types of need those animals may have.
- Building partnerships and volunteers through the community means that more of us who are like-minded can become involved and succeed in our mission.
Pursuant to California Penal Code section 597 it is a violation of the law to abandon an animal without providing proper care or attention. For this reason do not leave or drop off animals at our facility, please contact animal control shelter office for further details.